What is Japanese Acupuncture?
In Japan, Oriental medicine is called the medicine of vital energy. Ancient oriental physicians recognized that vital energy (called Ki in Japanese or Qi in Chinese) circulates along channels or meridians throughout the body and links all of the body’s parts and functions. Ki maintains and nurtures our physical body as well as our mind. It keeps blood circulating, warms the body and fights disease.
When a person is healthy, Ki flows smoothly through the channels, but if for some reason, the flow is blocked, weak, or excessive, then symptoms and/or illness occurs. In treatment, the aim is to correct the flow of Ki by inserting needles to acupuncture points along the channels. Changes in Ki precede the physical change, so acupuncture can act as preventive medicine, correcting energy flow before a serious illness occur. If physical change has already occurred, it can be reversed by adjusting the flow of Ki. Japanese acupuncture needling techniques involve thinner and smaller needles and employ shallower insertions than Chinese style acupuncture. Most patients find the treatments are relaxing with minimal discomfort.
—— David Goldman